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Heterosexual Couple From Loddon In United Kingdom Looking For Surrogate Mothers

Anne marketta Heterosexual Couple Profile

Date Registered: 05 Dec 2018 Last Modified: 24 Feb 2020 Last Signed In: 30 Nov 2020
Added To 5 Favourites Couple Signed In 23 Times Been Sent 22 Intro Messages
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Brief Summary Of Heterosexual Couple

Heterosexual Couple From Loddon In United Kingdom Looking For Surrogate Mothers Between The Ages Of 21 And 40 And Must Be In Good Health.

Contact Information For This Heterosexual Couple

Name: Anne marketta
Email Address: Unlock With Full Membership
Phone Number: Unlock With Full Membership
City: Loddon
Region: England
Country: United Kingdom

Heterosexual Couple Information And Surrogate Requirements

Nationality: British
Race: Caucasian
Couple Type: Heterosexual Couple
We Smoke: No
We Have Had Surrogate/Donor Before: No
Willing to Travel: Yes
Medical Expenses: 15000-20000 Pounds
Number Of Children: 0
We Are Looking For: Surrogate Mother,
Aged Between: 21 To 40 Years Old
Country Surrogate/Donor From: Any Country
Nationality Of Surrogate/Donor: Any Nationality

Why We/I Want A Surrogate Mother, Egg Donor Or Sperm Donor:

I found out after I married my husband and got miscarriage that we have rh incompatibility and I had rh antibodies in my bloodstream which means that my following pregnancies would end in the same way as the first one. It was 2003 and still now at age of 41 I am childless. We are ready to hire surrogate mother of any ethnicity and age also older one if she only gives us one child.

Description Of Us:

I have Master's Degree. I am aged 41 and married. I work as a psychotherapist. I have been married since 2003 but we have been together first engaged for longer 18 years. We have three cats.

My Letter To Surrogate Mother, Egg Donor Or Sperm Donor:

Dear Surrogate Mother. I wish you take time to read this letter. I know no one has an absolute right to become a parent and I have almost lost my hope to ever have a child in these 18 years I have been with my husband. I know there are many other intended parents out there who would like to hire you but I beg your mercy. My best friend who graduated from the same high school in the same year already has 18-year-old son but I do not have even a baby and my years are going by and so fades the hope of ever being able to hold a child of my own. I try to compensate. I do sponsor Indian little girl in the orphanage and I send her letters and gifts but I have been told this child or no child there is available for adoption. It is difficult to accept the fact that we have so much love to give and basically no one to receive it. But I try to transfer my love and care for as many orphans as I can through letters and gifts. I know it is not much. If you liked to be our surrogate mother I would be grateful but like I said I have no right to expect you to do us such a great thing. The money no matter how large sum can never really pay back your services which will be forever remembered. Thank you for taking time to read my letter and I wish God's guidance in your life. May you always walk in the presence of Lord. With Kind Regards Anne Marketta


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