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Gay Couple From Longueuil In Canada Looking For Surrogate Mothers

Alexandre Gay Couple Profile

Michel et Alexandre
Date Registered: 06 Sep 2017 Last Modified: 19 Sep 2017 Last Signed In: 14 May 2021
Added To 1 Favourites Couple Signed In 3 Times Been Sent 29 Intro Messages
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Brief Summary Of Gay Couple

Gay Couple From Longueuil In Canada Looking For Surrogate Mothers Between The Ages Of 20 And 40 And Must Be In Good Health.

Contact Information For This Gay Couple

Name: Alexandre
Email Address: Unlock With Full Membership
Phone Number: Unlock With Full Membership
City: Longueuil
Region: Quebec
Country: Canada

Gay Couple Information And Surrogate Requirements

Nationality: Canadian
Race: Caucasian
Couple Type: Gay Couple
We Smoke: No
We Have Had Surrogate/Donor Before: No
Willing to Travel: Yes
Medical Expenses: Don't Know Pounds
Number Of Children: 0
We Are Looking For: Surrogate Mother,
Aged Between: 20 To 40 Years Old
Country Surrogate/Donor From: Canada
Nationality Of Surrogate/Donor: Any Nationality

Why We/I Want A Surrogate Mother, Egg Donor Or Sperm Donor:

Nous sommes en couple depuis Avril 2010, et depuis le début de notre relation, nous savions que nous voulions avoir des enfants un jour. Nous nous sommes tourné vers l'adoption, qui est un processus long au Canada, et ce qui est des autres pays, beaucoup sont fermés aux couples gais. Quoi que nous avons pas tourné le dos à l'adoption, l'idée d'avoir des enfants via une mère porteuse nous atteins plus, car nous voulions avoir au moins un enfants issus de nos gênes. We have been a couple since April 2010, and since the beginning of our relationship, we knew we wanted to have children one day. We have turned to adoption, which is a long process in Canada, and what is other countries, many are closed to gay couples. Whatever we have not turned our back on adoption, the idea of ​​having children through a surrogate mother reaches us more, because we wanted to have at least one child born out of our genes.

Description Of Us:

Moi, Alexandre 31 ans, travaillant dans le milieux de la santé a Montréal. Je suis de nature calme aimant la nature, l'art, les choses simples du type très famille. Je suis très proche de ma famille et de mes nièces. Moi Michel, 35 ans, je travaille en comptabilité pour une compagnie à Longueuil. Je suis un grand amateur de hockey et de lutte professionnelle. Je pratique la lutte sur la scène indépendante du Quebec depuis Novembre 1997. J'adore ma famille, et il est très important de garder un contact avec les membre de la famille. Me, Alexandre 31 years old, working in the healthcare community in Montreal. I am of calm nature loving nature, art, simple things of the very family type. I am very close to my family and my nieces. Me Michel, 35 years old, I work in accounting for a company in Longueuil. I am a great fan of hockey and professional wrestling. I have been fighting on the independent scene in Quebec since November 1997. I love my family and it is very important to keep in touch with family members.

My Letter To Surrogate Mother, Egg Donor Or Sperm Donor:

A toi qui lira ceci, celle qui porteras peut être notre enfants. Dit toi que tu feras le plus beau des cadeaux a notre couple. Tu nous donneras la chance de pouvoir nous accomplir en tant que parents. La chance de donner cette enfant 2 Papa qui seront lui emporter l'amour, l'attention et la sécurité. Le diriger vers le chemin de la vie sera notre objectif premier tout en lui donnant amour, soutiens et outils. Nous seront toujours là pour lui. Nous sommes prêt à faire les sacrifices nécessaires pour mener ce projet à terme. C'est notre projet de couple, de vie. Merci de votre considération envers nos désirs, notre rêve. To you who will read this, the one who will bear our children. Say you will make the most beautiful gifts for our couple. You will give us the chance to be able to fulfill ourselves as parents. The chance to give this child 2 Dad who will take him away love, attention and security. Leading it to the path of life will be our primary goal while giving it love, supports and tools. We will always be there for him. We are ready to make the necessary sacrifices to complete this project. It is our project of couple, of life. Thank you for your consideration of our desires, our dream.


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This Is A Very Professional Website. Good Job!!
Anna, Germany