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Heterosexual Couple From Haliburton In Canada Looking For Surrogate Mothers

Rene Heterosexual Couple Profile

Date Registered: 19 May 2020 Last Modified: 19 May 2020 Last Signed In: 04 Jun 2020
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Brief Summary Of Heterosexual Couple

Heterosexual Couple From Haliburton In Canada Looking For Surrogate Mothers Between The Ages Of 21 And 40 And Must Be In Good Health.

Contact Information For This Heterosexual Couple

Name: Rene
Email Address: Unlock With Full Membership
Phone Number: Unlock With Full Membership
City: Haliburton
Region: Ontario
Country: Canada

Heterosexual Couple Information And Surrogate Requirements

Nationality: Canadian
Race: Other
Couple Type: Heterosexual Couple
We Smoke: No
We Have Had Surrogate/Donor Before: Yes
Willing to Travel: Yes
Medical Expenses: 20000-30000 Pounds
Number Of Children: 0
We Are Looking For: Surrogate Mother,
Aged Between: 21 To 40 Years Old
Country Surrogate/Donor From: Canada
Nationality Of Surrogate/Donor: Canadian

Why We/I Want A Surrogate Mother, Egg Donor Or Sperm Donor:

It’s hard to put our story into a few words, will try to give you the short version the best we know how. We have been on a long and difficult journey, for over 10 painful years intermingled with heartbreak and grief. We have been married for 5 years and living together for well over 17years. We met later in life and put off having children until we felt that we had stability and the ability for both parents to be able to stay home with our children. Looking back now we can see that we spent several years in disbelief that we were unable to conceive. Because of that, we lost precious time. We have gone through many treatments in Toronto, Panama and Mexico. Approx10 IVF’s and 6 IUI’s . We hope and pray that you will help us with our happy ending. After trying IVF treatments in Toronto, we read about treatments in Panama that were half the price that people had been having success with. The Doctors bed side manners seems much nicer, we felt like we got treated with more respect and compassion.....we thought it would be good experience. We tried 3 IVF treatments in Panama. Then we read an article about a doctor in Mexico that was successful treating older IVF patients. We thought we would have a much better chance with this experienced doctor. He was kind and compassion- ate. We spent one year back and forth for treatments. I wanted to go natural and every time we would get to Mexico and my retrieval was scheduled I would ovulate the day before and as a result we would end up with a wasted trip and what I felt was wasting my precious eggs. That happened at least 7 times. What seemed unlucky at the time, was good fortune that shown upon us. We had a huge snow storm and all the flights were cancelled. ReproMed, who was monitoring my follicles agreed to preform the IVF because our flight was cancelled. They gave me a medication that stopped me from ovulating and thankfully he retrieved my eggs. While Dr. DeValle was doing my retrieval we talked about how this little child would have a romantic story about the snowstorm and cancelled flight and Dr. DeValle stepping in to save the day – the stuff they make happy stories about. Unfortunately we did not get to tell our child this story. After that time Dr. DelValle took me on as a patient and we were able to retrieve one last egg. I so wished I had found him earlier. But my time ran out and it could be life threatening if I gave birth. This is where we need your help. We are hoping for twins, we would like to use our last genetic embryo and a donor embryo to create our family of twins. We have 5 other donor embryos waiting should we need them. We will just be so happy to have children it does not matter to us if they are genetic or not. We will love them equally and smother them with love. Words cannot tell you how grateful we are that there are people in this world like you willing to help. Throughout our despair, disappoint- ment we never considered giving up on having a family of our own.

Description Of Us:

Carl is a businessman involved in the field of logistics. He has now slowed down on his work and acts as a consultant and often works at home, in order that he be home to share in raising of our children. He has a wonderful green thumb, we often get fresh vegetables from our garden. Steve can be a little bit of a joker at times he hasn’t lost his childhood mischievous. I love seeing the little boy in him coming out to play. When he’s not chopping wood for the fire-pit you can find him kayaking, cycling or hiking. He is very loyal and will be a wonderful father. He is my best friend and my confidant. Dawn is a very smart business lady and is very driven and passionate about things she does. She owns a real estate rental business. She is a loyal friend through and through and has a kind heart. When she’s not on her stand up paddle board, you can find her practicing modern dance, or belly dancing, or rollerblading. I love the energy she brings when she dances around the house and the joy that her music brings to the house. She loves to keep busy trying new things. She is my inspiration for never giving up. I know our children will inherit her lovely spirit. Just recently her mother was designated as A Person of Historic Interest and a plaque in the park was installed. As of Feb 1st, she is on the Canada Post Stamp in recognition of the work she did. She was a humanitarian, social activist, actress, and radio host.

My Letter To Surrogate Mother, Egg Donor Or Sperm Donor:

Our children will be the center of our universe. They will know what unconditional love feels like. We will spoil them and love them. Rene’s brothers and sisters and nieces and nephews live in Toronto. They come up for a visit just about every other week. Rene is close to her sister and her nieces we are their Godparents. Her nieces and nephews plan to play a big part in our children’s lives. They will become like second parents to our children and bring a youthful outlook to our children’s lives and a strong support system. Steve’s brother and sister and nieces and nephews live in Portland and Florida, where we visit at least 3 times a year, and they come to visit us at least 3 or 4 times a year. We hope we can share this pregnancy together and remain in contact after birth. We hope to develop a warm and friendly relationship together with you and your family during the pregnancy. We want our child to know about you and how generous you are. Our child will be told of the incredible compassion and goodwill between two families that resulted in our child’s birth. Who knows, maybe we will be an extension to each other’s families, as there is never too much love to go around. We would have an unending love and respect for our Surrogate mother and her family. You will heal our hearts and bring so much joy and laughter to our home.


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This site Has Been So helpful. I Have Been A Surrogate 2 Times The 1st Baby Just Turned 2 Years Old, And 2nd Baby Is 7 Months Old Now. I Wish Everyone Good Luck In Their Future Steps Growing Their Families.
Kathy, United States