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Got responses straigth away from surrogates, this site is very good and it was good seeing how many people are so serious about helping other unfortunate women.
Pamela, Switzerland

Heterosexual Couple From Exeter In United Kingdom Looking For Surrogate Mothers

Evie Heterosexual Couple Profile

Us in Greece
Date Registered: 11 Mar 2022 Last Modified: 11 Mar 2022 Last Signed In: 26 Mar 2022
Added To 1 Favourites Couple Signed In 12 Times Been Sent 11 Intro Messages
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Brief Summary Of Heterosexual Couple

Heterosexual Couple From Exeter In United Kingdom Looking For Surrogate Mothers Between The Ages Of 28 And 35 And Must Be In Good Health.

Contact Information For This Heterosexual Couple

Name: Evie
Email Address: Unlock With Full Membership
Phone Number: Unlock With Full Membership
City: Exeter
Region: England
Country: United Kingdom

Heterosexual Couple Information And Surrogate Requirements

Nationality: British
Race: Caucasian
Couple Type: Heterosexual Couple
We Smoke: No
We Have Had Surrogate/Donor Before: No
Willing to Travel: Yes
Medical Expenses: Up To 15000 Pounds
Number Of Children: 0
We Are Looking For: Surrogate Mother,
Aged Between: 28 To 35 Years Old
Country Surrogate/Donor From: United Kingdom
Nationality Of Surrogate/Donor: Any Nationality

Why We/I Want A Surrogate Mother, Egg Donor Or Sperm Donor:

We've tried for the past 8 years to conceive without success and despite 3 rounds of ivf, all have failed and been extremely upsetting and traumatic to deal with. We have tried to accept that we should move on and live our lives without a child, but it is so hard when everyone else is having a baby. We come from good families and always wanted children, but things just haven't worked out for us. We have 2 embryos remaining in the freezer that I haven't been able to use for fear of failure again. I don't think I am strong enough to try a fourth time. Its our very last chance to consider a surrogate and we know its almost impossible to find someone who would do this for us.

Description Of Us:

We live for the outdoors, and enjoy keeping fit. We love animals have 2 dogs, wildlife and nature. Love hiking mountains both in the UK and Greece and enjoy photography and capturing beautiful landscapes. My partner has a couple of degrees in Ancient History and the classics and I have a degree in Wildlife conservation. I go to work with my two dogs each day. and run a small gardening business as my passion is plants! I've completed 4 marathons over the years to raise money for charity and am always up for a challenge. We feel incredibly lucky to have a wonderful family and are close to all of them.

My Letter To Surrogate Mother, Egg Donor Or Sperm Donor:

Hello, Thank you so much for reading our letter. We never expected to be in this position but are full of admiration that you are considering being a surrogate for someone. We always thought we would have children. As a teenager, I spent many an evening babysitting and loved nothing more than cuddling a baby. My partner is the youngest of 9 so there has never been a moment without babies in the family! It has not been easy to call time on trying for one ourselves. If it weren't for the fact that there are still 2 embryos in the ivf freezer, we might have been able to move on from the notion of parenthood by now. At 45, I am now too old for pregnancy to be considered viable and after 3 failed ivf attempts, I don't think it's meant to be. Before covid hit we were about to try a final cycle through the clinic and then it wasn't possible as everything went on hold. Weeks turned to months and months into two yearrs and now I simply don't have the courage left to go through it again. My partner of 13 years is from Canada. His mother lives for her grandchildren and the great grandchildren. I really feel we are missing out on something so special. We have two dogs -a cocker spaniel and a rescued Romanian collie. They get on brilliantly & help fill the void where children should be. It would be great to connect with you and find out more about you and if surrogacy really is a possibility. Thank you so much for taking the time to read our story and please feel free to ask any questions should you wish. We would be delighted to hear from you.


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