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Gay Couple From Montreal In Canada Looking For Surrogate Mothers

Alex&andy Gay Couple Profile

Honey moon! :)

Our marriage!

Shooting of love!

Love in Paris!
Date Registered: 23 Jul 2012 Last Modified: 23 Jul 2012 Last Signed In: 04 Aug 2012
Added To 3 Favourites Couple Signed In 1 Times Been Sent 38 Intro Messages
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Brief Summary Of Gay Couple

Gay Couple From Montreal In Canada Looking For Surrogate Mothers Between The Ages Of 25 And 35 And Must Be In Good Health.

Contact Information For This Gay Couple

Name: Alex&andy
Email Address: Unlock With Full Membership
City: Montreal
Region: Quebec
Country: Canada

Gay Couple Information And Surrogate Requirements

Nationality: Italian
Race: Caucasian
Couple Type: Gay Couple
We Smoke: No
We Have Had Surrogate/Donor Before: No
Willing to Travel: Yes
Number Of Children: 0
We Are Looking For: Surrogate Mother,
Aged Between: 25 To 35 Years Old
Country Surrogate/Donor From: Canada
Nationality Of Surrogate/Donor: Any Nationality

Why We/I Want A Surrogate Mother, Egg Donor Or Sperm Donor:

Please, read the letter! :)

Description Of Us:

Please, read the letter! :)

My Letter To Surrogate Mother, Egg Donor Or Sperm Donor:

First of all, we would like to thank you for taking your time to read these few lines. It means you are considering giving us the opportunity to become parents and this means a lot to us. Waiting to know you in person, we tell you something about us. Alessandro was born on December 4th 1982 in Turin, a cold city in Northern Italy. He grew up in a huge family. He has 22 first-degree cousins that were used to meet every Sunday at his grandmother’s place. From this grandmother with pastry skills, Alessandro learnt the secrets of how to make a good pizza and homemade scrumptious bread! In the meanwhile, Andrea had opened his eyes on the world three years before, on November 8th 1979 in Milan, an hour and a half away from Turin. He has always been fond of nature and animals and since he was a kid he has dreamed about becoming vet. That’s why he was used to fill in his parents’ place with all lost pets that he found, for his mother’s happiness! We first met on a warm summer night in 2005. Andrea reports that he was “caught at the first glance by Alessandro’s jaunty aspect and self-confidence. He had, and still has, deep eyes and an intense look. Still nowadays he can win me just by interpreting Shrek’s Puss in boots' piteous gaze”. A fantastic love story began at that time. We moved in together in 2007, once Alessandro had graduated from an important acting academy. During these years we have shared the desire of becoming parents, a wish that each of us has always had. Subsequently we got in touch with the association “Rainbow families” [Famiglie arcobaleno in Italian] and we discovered a new encouraging reality. Couples of dads showed us that our dream can come true, indeed! We realised that there are many people all around the world ready to help people that like us love each other to become a family. Our families – parents, brothers, sisters, and nephews - and friends have always been at our side. They have always backed us up to the point that they accompanied us here in Canada to celebrate our wedding. On August 10th 2010 we said out loud our love one to each other and to the world and we exchanged our vows in a cozy and very touching ceremony. And then here we are. In Canada, in Montreal. On July 23rd 2011, we got chance to move here thanks to Andrea’s job, since the company he works for has a seat in Montreal. Becoming parents is not only a desire for us, it is a need. It is not only a life project but also the opportunity to complete ourselves and as a couple. We feel like we will be fulfilled when we will hold our kid’s - or kids’!!- hand. Then we will walk together to know each other even more and teach each other the true meaning of love. It is hard to imagine which kind of parents we may be without being banal and obvious. We have strongly desired our happiness and struggled to obtain it. From the very first day we will try to teach our kid that he has the power to become whoever he/she would like to be. We will teach him/her that, by struggling, he/she can obtain whatever he wants: personal fulfilment, the love of people around, a place to call home. Alessandro says that “Andrea will be an ever-present sensitive dad. He will be a solid hand to grasp and a strong shoulder to cry on. No need to say, he will be an ageless companion to play with.” We asked some relatives to try and imagine us as a family and here is what they said. “Auntie” Danila said “Welcome little baby to this weird but happy family! Alessandro will be an alert and strict dad, but always cheerful. He will invent for you any kind of funny tricks to make you eat veggies and any car trip will be an adventure rich in songs and dances. Your dad Andrea will be more thoughtful and calm, but in the meanwhile he will be down to hearth and always present. He will teach you to walk your way with confidence and above all he will never let you down, as a strong stick to rely on when you loose balance. “Nonna” Germana added: “I am sure that Alessandro and Andrea will know how to take care of their kid. They will do whatever is possible to raise him with strong and honest values. They will teach him/her how to become a free and joyful person. With regards to my role as a grandmother, I have no doubts. I have already loved him/her! He/she will be part of our family and … he/she is already welcome!” We would like to keep in touch with the carrier after birth because she will always be a key figure in our kid’s life. For this reason we aim to be involved in every step of the pregnancy. In this way we can get closer by sharing important and touching moments. There will be plenty of other things to add, but the feeling of empathy that can generate by looking into each other’s eyes is also very important. And maybe while sitting at a table with a delicious pasta dish and a glass of good wine, the empathy may be even more immediate!


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