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I've Connected With A Wonderful Woman Who Is Going To Be My Surrogate. Thank You So Much!
Natalia, Australia

Sabrine , Female British Egg Donor From United Kingdom

Sabrine Egg Donor Profile

Date Registered: 11 Feb 2015 Last Modified: 11 Feb 2015 Last Signed In: 16 Jul 2015
Added To 2 Favourites Surrogate Signed In 1 Times Has Sent 20 Intro Messages
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Brief Summary Of The Egg Donor

I\'am a 44 year old Female British national from Birmingham in United Kingdom, I would like to be a Egg Donor for Heterosexual , Gay , Lesbian , Single Woman Couples. I have Brown hair and Blue Eyes With 20 Or More Years Of Education. I currently have a passport and I am willing to travel anywhere in the world.

Contact Information For This Egg Donor

Name: Sabrine
Email Address: Unlock With Full Membership
City: Birmingham
Region: England
Country: United Kingdom

Egg Donor Information

Nationality: British
Race: Caucasian
Age: 44
Gender: Female
I Am A Smoker: No
I Would Like To Be A: Egg Donor
Have Been A Egg Donor:: No
Years Of Education: 20 Or More Years
My Height Is: 178 cm
My Weight Is: 145 Lbs
My Health Is: Excellent
My Blood Type Is: Unknown
My Marital Status Is: Single with partner
Number Of Children I Have Is: 1
I Would Consider Couples Of: Heterosexual Couple, Gay Couple, Lesbian Couple, Single Woman
I Am Willing To Travel: Yes
I Have A Passport: Yes
My Hair Colour Is: Brown
My Eye Colour Is: Blue
My Health Is: Excellent

The Reasons I Want To Be A Egg Donor:

Hello - and thank you for taking time to read this x Firstly I'd like to tell you a little bit about myself and my reasoning for wanting to be a egg donor / surrogate. From out of nowhere I had this overwhelming yearning to be a mother, it took over my life-I suppose you could say I was obsessed. I am a lesbian so for obvious reasons I am not able to have a baby in the "normal" way. I trolled through the internet to find a genuine sperm donor but instead found a dark underground world of men praying on vulnerable women that want children. Many men would be offering their sperm for AI but would decide last minute that it would be better for me if I had sex with them?? Eventually I found a nice man that agreed to be my donor through AI so I placed all my hope in this method. I spent months charting my basal temperature so I could predict when I was ovulating etc. I started the AI process and it felt like years - month after month I had negative pregnancy results...the whole process was exhausting. I decided to go to a fertility clinic and I can say, hand on heart, this has been the best thing I have done in my at the time 29 yrs of existence. I embryo transferred 1 AMAZING child. I can't explain how fortunate I feel and I know that I wouldn't have my baby without the assistance of an amazing sperm donor and fantastic clinic. I would love to give something back so I am offering my services to a someone special - compensation received will go towards my child's education school fee's are shocking

Description Of Myself:

My Stats : 5ft 10 / Brunette / Blue eyes / 33yrs old / Degree Educated / Some would say I was attractive I do not fit the stereotype for a lesbian-haha! I am very happy in a loving relationship and have a fantastic career... I do not smoke / drink / take drugs - no mental health issues

My Letter To You:

Good luck to all those out there that are trying to complete their family with a little bundle of joy x I would love to help that special someone/family x


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Matched Perfectly...Brilliant!
Heather, United Kingdom