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Great Way To Connect IP's With Potential Surrogates, Thank you.
DesiRae, United States

Holly , Female American Egg Donor From United States

Holly Egg Donor Profile

Date Registered: 02 Dec 2018 Last Modified: 02 Dec 2018 Last Signed In: 10 Jan 2019
Added To 1 Favourites Surrogate Signed In 1 Times Has Sent 20 Intro Messages
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Brief Summary Of The Egg Donor

I\'am a 37 year old Female American national from Salt Lake City 84101 in United States, I would like to be a Egg Donor for Heterosexual , Gay , Lesbian Couples. I have Brown hair and Blue Eyes With 12 Years Of Education.

Contact Information For This Egg Donor

Name: Holly
Email Address: Unlock With Full Membership
Phone Number: Unlock With Full Membership
City: Salt Lake City 84101
Region: Utah
Country: United States

Egg Donor Information

Nationality: American
Race: Caucasian
Age: 37
Gender: Female
I Am A Smoker: No
I Would Like To Be A: Egg Donor
Have Been A Egg Donor:: Yes
Years Of Education: 12 Years
My Height Is: 165 cm
My Weight Is: 135 Lbs
My Health Is: Good
My Blood Type Is: A
My Marital Status Is: Married
Number Of Children I Have Is: 4
I Would Consider Couples Of: Heterosexual Couple, Gay Couple, Lesbian Couple
I Am Willing To Travel: No
I Have A Passport: No
My Hair Colour Is: Brown
My Eye Colour Is: Blue
My Health Is: Good

The Reasons I Want To Be A Egg Donor:

I love being pregnant, really. They excitement of trying and getting that positive result and all the other mile stones throughtout. I built a wonderful relationship with the couple I did this for 7 years ago. It was a amazing experience! I’ve been feeling like something is missing for the last year or so and as soon as I thought about doing this again I realized this was it. I want to help someone have a baby. Depending on the situation of course, It has to feel right. The feeling has to be ther lol.

Description Of Myself:

I am married with 3 of my own kids, all boys ages 10, 11, and 13. The girl I had when I was a surrogate is 7. I’ve never had any complications and all natural births. My husband and I have been together for 13, almost 14 years. He works in IT support and I am a quality analyst and specialize in building new QA departments when we get new contacts. I am lucky enough that my company now allows me to Work from home 99.9 of the time. I enjoy being out doors. I have a very small homestead with 2 milk goats and chickens. We are looking into adding a pig. We try very hard to eat clean and healthy, me mainly lol. My whole family supports this decision as they did the last one. I am funny, very sarcastic and to be honest I’ve a bit of a mouth on me haha. I’m very nice, empathetic and open minded.

My Letter To You:

I am looking for the right family. This does not mean I’m looking for for the model family. I except flaws without judgement and welcome them to be discussed. Vulnerability and honesty is an amazing quality. I’m looking for a real, down to earth family, but do need to be financially stable. Please, tell me all about yourself and I’ll do the same. Let’s see if we would be a good fit. It’s like a relationship, there is just a click and we’d know after getting to know each other. If there’s no spark not at all in a weird romantic way LMAO, then you are just settling. Wether it’s me or someone else, wait for that spark. It will make the entire experience wonderful.


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Keni, Canada