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Vanessa , Female Canadian Egg Donor From Canada

Vanessa Egg Donor Profile

Date Registered: 24 Dec 2018 Last Modified: 24 Dec 2018 Last Signed In: 24 Dec 2018
Added To 0 Favourites Surrogate Signed In 1 Times Has Sent 0 Intro Messages
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Brief Summary Of The Egg Donor

I\'am a 47 year old Female Canadian national from Fort McMurray in Canada, I would like to be a Egg Donor for Heterosexual , Gay Couples. I have Brown hair and Green Eyes With 17-19 Years Of Education. I currently have a passport and I am willing to travel anywhere in the world.

Contact Information For This Egg Donor

Name: Vanessa
Email Address: Unlock With Full Membership
Phone Number: Unlock With Full Membership
City: Fort McMurray
Region: Alberta
Country: Canada

Egg Donor Information

Nationality: Canadian
Race: Caucasian
Age: 47
Gender: Female
I Am A Smoker: No
I Would Like To Be A: Egg Donor
Have Been A Egg Donor:: No
Years Of Education: 17-19 Years
My Height Is: 160 cm
My Weight Is: 135 Lbs
My Health Is: Excellent
My Blood Type Is: AB
My Marital Status Is: Single no partner
Number Of Children I Have Is: 2
I Would Consider Couples Of: Heterosexual Couple, Gay Couple
I Am Willing To Travel: Yes
I Have A Passport: Yes
My Hair Colour Is: Brown
My Eye Colour Is: Green
My Health Is: Excellent

The Reasons I Want To Be A Egg Donor:

I would be very sad if I could not have children. My husband died, I have twin girls and I need financial help, I just wrecked my car and I have no means of paying for another one. My children depended on the vehicle. So I saw this any thought it could help bring joy to someone else’s life and at the same time help myself and my children.

Description Of Myself:

Single mom, electronic systems technologist for communication, navigation and surveillance, I have twin girls that are the love of my life. I think I would feel good about doing this for someone to love, and I have two gorgeous girls who have excellent grades in school. Grade 10 . They dance and play sports. One of the just stared a job yesterday. The are nowhere near overweight, nor am I.they graduated last year with academic excellence which means and overall average of 90. And there are some spiritual reasons I would want to do this.

My Letter To You:

Single mom, electronic systems technologist for communication, navigation and surveillance, I have twin girls that are the love of my life. I think I would feel good about doing this for someone to love, and I have two gorgeous girls who have excellent grades in school. Grade 10 . They dance and play sports. One of the just stared a job yesterday. The are nowhere near overweight, nor am I.they graduated last year with academic excellence which means and overall average of 90. And there are some spiritual reasons I would want to do this and of course I have been struggling so long I could use the financial help. I am a honest person who is kind hearted and I believe everyone is someone’s child first. And I would really love to help the right couple.


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