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Olga , Female Russian Surrogate Mother From United Kingdom

Olga Surrogate Mother Profile




Date Registered: 17 Jan 2023 Last Modified: 17 Jan 2023 Last Signed In: 17 Jan 2023
Added To 3 Favourites Surrogate Signed In 2 Times Has Sent 0 Intro Messages
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Brief Summary Of The Surrogate Mother

I\'am a 45 year old Female Russian national from Glasgow in United Kingdom, I would like to be a Surrogate Mother for Heterosexual , Gay , Lesbian , Single Woman,Single Man Couples. I have Brown hair and Green Eyes With 20 Or More Years Of Education. I currently have a passport and I am willing to travel anywhere in the world.

Contact Information For This Surrogate Mother

Name: Olga
Email Address: Unlock With Full Membership
Phone Number: Unlock With Full Membership
City: Glasgow
Region: Scotland
Country: United Kingdom

Surrogate Mother Information

Nationality: Russian
Race: Other
Age: 45
Gender: Female
I Am A Smoker: No
I Would Like To Be A: Surrogate Mother
Have Been A Surrogate Mother:: Yes
Years Of Education: 20 Or More Years
My Height Is: 170 cm
My Weight Is: 190 Lbs
My Health Is: Excellent
My Blood Type Is: O
My Marital Status Is: Married
Number Of Children I Have Is: 1
I Would Consider Couples Of: Heterosexual Couple, Gay Couple, Lesbian Couple, Single Woman, Single Man
I Am Willing To Travel: Yes
I Have A Passport: Yes
My Hair Colour Is: Brown
My Eye Colour Is: Green
My Health Is: Excellent

The Reasons I Want To Be A Surrogate Mother:

I can carry a child, I will become a surrogate mother for people who are very looking for a serious person, inexpensive. I have already undergone IVF, I know what it is, I want to become a surrogate mother to earn IVF for myself. I had a successful ivf in 2017 after the first transplant, I was transplanted only 2 of my follicles, and the doctors said it was impossible, but, nevertheless, it turned out to be a good healthy baby. I have a higher education, I am married. my husband does not change, he is always there, I look pretty good for my 43 g, I regularly go to the doctors, take care of myself, eat homemade food, Russian Ukrainian Uzbek cuisine, cook well myself, I am in the UK as a refugee, I have a work permit, but I want to do IVF for yourself and to help a couple who is looking for a serious surrogate mother to carry their child. I have a higher education, I am married. my husband does not change, he is always there, I look pretty good for my 43 g, I regularly go to the doctors, take care of myself, eat homemade food, Russian Ukrainian Uzbek cuisine, cook well myself, I am in the UK as a refugee, I have a work permit, but I want to do IVF for yourself and to help a couple who is looking for a serious surrogate mother to carry their child. after I landed through. After 5 weeks, I came for an ultrasound, and they gave me to listen to the baby's heart. who was 5 weeks old. It was magic, the doctor turned up the volume on the ultrasound machine, the heart was pounding very loudly. I spent a lot of money myself, you can take a look at my 5-year-old daughter, what kind of child turned out thanks to the ICSI method

Description Of Myself:

I can carry a child, I will become a surrogate mother for people who are very looking for a serious person, inexpensive. I have already undergone IVF, I know what it is, I want to become a surrogate mother to earn IVF for myself. I had a successful ivf in 2017 after the first transplant, I was transplanted only 2 of my follicles, and the doctors said it was impossible, but, nevertheless, it turned out to be a good healthy baby. I have a higher education, I am married. my husband does not change, he is always there, I look pretty good for my 43 g, I regularly go to the doctors, take care of myself, eat homemade food, Russian Ukrainian Uzbek cuisine, cook well myself, I am in the UK as a refugee, I have a work permit, but I want to do IVF for yourself and to help a couple who is looking for a serious surrogate mother to carry their child. I have a higher education, I am married. my husband does not change, he is always there, I look pretty good for my 43 g, I regularly go to the doctors, take care of myself, eat homemade food, Russian Ukrainian Uzbek cuisine, cook well myself, I am in the UK as a refugee, I have a work permit, but I want to do IVF for yourself and to help a couple who is looking for a serious surrogate mother to carry their child. after I landed through. After 5 weeks, I came for an ultrasound, and they gave me to listen to the baby's heart. who was 5 weeks old. It was magic, the doctor turned up the volume on the ultrasound machine, the heart was pounding very loudly. I spent a lot of money myself, you can take a look at my 5-year-old daughter, what kind of child turned out thanks to the ICSI method

My Letter To You:

I can carry a child, I will become a surrogate mother for people who are very looking for a serious person, inexpensive. I have already undergone IVF, I know what it is, I want to become a surrogate mother to earn IVF for myself. I had a successful ivf in 2017 after the first transplant, I was transplanted only 2 of my follicles, and the doctors said it was impossible, but, nevertheless, it turned out to be a good healthy baby. I have a higher education, I am married. my husband does not change, he is always there, I look pretty good for my 43 g, I regularly go to the doctors, take care of myself, eat homemade food, Russian Ukrainian Uzbek cuisine, cook well myself, I am in the UK as a refugee, I have a work permit, but I want to do IVF for yourself and to help a couple who is looking for a serious surrogate mother to carry their child. I have a higher education, I am married. my husband does not change, he is always there, I look pretty good for my 43 g, I regularly go to the doctors, take care of myself, eat homemade food, Russian Ukrainian Uzbek cuisine, cook well myself, I am in the UK as a refugee, I have a work permit, but I want to do IVF for yourself and to help a couple who is looking for a serious surrogate mother to carry their child. after I landed through. After 5 weeks, I came for an ultrasound, and they gave me to listen to the baby's heart. who was 5 weeks old. It was magic, the doctor turned up the volume on the ultrasound machine, the heart was pounding very loudly. I spent a lot of money myself, you can take a look at my 5-year-old daughter, what kind of child turned out thanks to the ICSI method


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