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Gordon , Male Scots Sperm Donor From United States

Gordon Sperm Donor Profile

At the desk


In the woods

Me and my soulmate
Date Registered: 28 Mar 2012 Last Modified: 28 Mar 2012 Last Signed In: 19 Jul 2016
Added To 2 Favourites Surrogate Signed In 1 Times Has Sent 20 Intro Messages
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Brief Summary Of The Sperm Donor

I\'am a 41 year old Male Scots national from Charlotte 28201 in United States, I would like to be a Sperm Donor for Heterosexual , Gay , Lesbian , Single Woman,Single Man Couples. I have Ginger hair and Green Eyes With 11 Or Less Years Of Education. I currently have a passport and I am willing to travel anywhere in the world.

Contact Information For This Sperm Donor

Name: Gordon
Email Address: Unlock With Full Membership
Phone Number: Unlock With Full Membership
Home Page URL: Unlock With Full Membership
City: Charlotte 28201
Region: North Carolina
Country: United States

Sperm Donor Information

Nationality: Scots
Race: Caucasian
Age: 41
Gender: Male
I Am A Smoker: No
I Would Like To Be A: Sperm Donor
Have Been A Sperm Donor:: No
Years Of Education: 11 Or Less Years
My Height Is: 178 cm
My Weight Is: 145 Lbs
My Health Is: Good
My Blood Type Is: Unknown
My Marital Status Is: Single (no partner)
Number Of Children I Have Is: 0
I Would Consider Couples Of: Heterosexual Couple, Gay Couple, Lesbian Couple, Single Woman, Single Man
I Am Willing To Travel: Yes
I Have A Passport: Yes
My Hair Colour Is: Ginger
My Eye Colour Is: Green
My Health Is: Good

The Reasons I Want To Be A Sperm Donor:

I wish to store my own sperm in a frozen state for later use, but more important than having my own child I want to enable someone whose options are limited regarding fertilization of an egg to have a chance to do what every human deep down wants to do: raise a child to love and protect, teach and instill upon, and watch grow into a completely unique human being. My hair color is a vibrant red, but I am very lightly freckled. I have a sturdy jaw-line, no health concerns, a history of longevity in my family, and a few more years of youthful virility. It is a unique combination of physical and intellectual gifts I was given, and I can fill a prospective parent's desired qualities of likely dominate and recessive features in a way very few other can.

Description Of Myself:

I've worked in the arts since I was very young, apprenticing under a master silversmith at 8 until 16. My hands bring me the most pleasure in life, as no day could be more ideal for me than one spent gardening, landscaping, rick-climbing, or sculpting. In high-school I was selected to take the SATS while in 9th grade by the Duke University talent search, and I scored a 1340. I later went on to score a 1510 in my junior year. Academics are also a passion of mine, and I audit classes regularly in the humanities and mathematical sciences despite having earned my degree. My demeanor is one of resolute standing when I come across a debate subject in social interactions, but my mind can clearly see the pros and cons of all sides of the spectrum allowing me to play devil's advocate when the need arises. Strengths include public interaction, linear and abstract thought, masterful expression and understanding in dealing with other, especially children, a veracious imagination, but the reason to keep both feet on the ground to accomplish the ideas I formulate. I am currently an educator on the 9-12 level and a massage therapist in my free time. My only possible negative qualities would be a healthy ego, but not so powerful as to color my responses here. I am a fine specimen of male human and though I can recognize it, I do not hold it dear. I care much more for honesty and earned respect than flattering genetics.

My Letter To You:

Hemingway wrote once that for a boy to become a man, he must do four things in life: Fight a bull, plant a tree, write a book, and have a son. Close as he was to a very true list of rites of passage, I feel he let his own desires get in the way by phrasing the last one "have a son." Fight a bull; face your fears head on. Plant a tree; leave something to the earth which will thrive in repayment for it having supported your own life. Write a book; tell a story with your life worth reading, even if no one sees the final manuscript. Have a son... in my preference bear a child; don't let the unique, never again to be placed upon this earth, personality and presence slip by you. Perhaps the world is over crowded, perhaps no one will take great note of your progeny, but if you do not produce the child you desire, that child is lost forever, and with it all it has to give, relate, change, and interact with on this planet. No human has nothing to give, or no new point of view to express. For better, for worse, by having children we give the ultimate gift to all humans - a unique and powerful way to sculpt the future. DNA is required, yes, it effects appearance, demeanor, various other parts of a son or daughter, but it has no control over the diagram the parent(s) set down for the child to memorize. The touch, the love, the unique insights you pass on to your child, that makes the human and humanity. If you want to give, teach, explore, and revisit a time when the world danced like the Northern Lights (childhood), you have no choice but to try for that individual that only you can be proud of - a child of your own. I respect so much anyone who is trying so hard to have a child. It makes me respect those/that parent enough to herald the coming of one that can be trained in the same values. If I can give anything, my genetics are more than graciously offered, and my blessing for a family of filial piety, well, I imagine you already have it in scores.


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